



Submerged in the most polluted city of the world where
violence is routine and where human relationships become 
more and more distant Erk Aicrag and Racso Agroyam 
incited to express their feelings through the technology 
given to the influence of varying currents of electronic
music mainly by Skinny Puppy they began their trajectory 
in 1989 in a called project "Niñera Degenerada" with some 
friends. That act was even an immature shot with 
portasound keyboards, homemade distortion, tape samplers
and homemade instruments. 

Things were changing and in 1992 they were forming the 
concept of what any day seriously would be HOCICO at first
called "Hocico de Perro" even with a Casio keyboard Racso
began leaving flow their first overflowings of imagination
inside the electronics. This was really a stage that last
up to 1993 when came the opportunities of acquiring
professional equipment, Racso reached intimately the 
digital musical electronics and Erk the vocal and lyrical
expression, activities that give stamp to their music 
and concept. 

HOCICO after having worked their first recordings in ends 
of '93, it carry out their first live concert in Erk's
house ( February 18th 1994), which caused great 
expectation among friends and people near to the music.
Here they began to distribute their first recordings, 
a demo-tape called "Misuse, abuse, and Accident" of 
which there were just about 30 copies. 

Since then, presentations continued covering all over
the city and country. In April '94 they proved
the inclusion of a Guitarist with whom the makeup
was not very concise and he left Hocico a
month later. 

In July of this year HOCICO began working on their 
first demo-tape "Autoagresion Persistente",
in that time they were in contact with other 
electronic bands already existent: Deus Ex Machina,
Soucerx, Cenobita, Kristi Artefactum,Oxomaxoma. 

In October '94 "Autoagresion Persistente" was released,
in this tape exists a great obsession for the speed and
the delirium that could create the atmospheres of 
harmony with touches of orchestral instruments, strong 
sounds and driving beats, being in the words reflected
human situations of pain, offense, sexual abuse, 
suicide and death with its several faces.Here HOCICO
showed how the humanity produces the effects against 
itself in each selfish and destructive action. In it 
is important the capacity of expression that can be
obtained from the experience of the aggressor to the
attacked. This demo-tape impulsed them to obtain 
excellent and encouraging comments in the to
woe growing national scene, in some European countries
(Belgium, Slovak, Spain) and in U.S..
"A.P." was also was the spinal cord to capt one by one
electro-followers in their concerts. 

In May of 1995 HOCICO together with the bands: oxomaxoma,
deus ex machina, cenobita, soucerx and kristi artefactum
created the "corporación" (an association of electro bands
from Mexico city). Here Erk and Racso collaborated in the 
organization of musical events of several
nature. This association No longer exists. 

In this year Hocico gave concerts all over Mexico city, 
and the whole country. Between November '95-enero '96 
Racso and Erk Recorded "Triste Desprecio" their second 
demo-tape, where melancholy and fury are impressed. 
In T.D. they see humankind through furious eyes like a
desolated being.And reduces him to an incomplete being 
in world with an homocentered vision of what happens in
life, like a being lack of intelligence to live in 
community, they show feelings of sadness and deep
impotence trough hard points of view. 
The existentialism is evidently marked. 

This demo also received good National and International
reviews and opened them the doors to
release their first CD recording under the Opcion Sonica 
label, called "Odio Bajo El Alma" that has implicit a 
message of human evil, now O.B.A. has been licensed to
Out of Line in Germany, and to Submission in Italy. 

"HOCICO is our way of living and of thinking, it is the
way in which we see the behavior of the world, and how 
hope, deception and hate maintain a constant fight inside
the human conscience." 



